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October 31, 2008

Halloween, Tots Sants and a visit from Micchan and Tomoko

What a jam-packed weekend! Micchan and Tomoko arrived in Barcelona Thursday night on an EasyJet flight from London. They spent the whole weekend, including Halloween and All Saints' Day with us. For Halloween, Marina wore an "I love mummy" outfit which her Nonni bought for her. On All Saints' Day we went to Raquel and Quique's party ("symposium"). ¡¡¡¡¡Viva el vino!!!! ¡¡¡Viva Baco!!!! ¡¡¡Viva Dionisos!!!! ¡¡¡¡Viva Velázquez!!!!

October 29, 2008

Upwardly mobile

We have liftoff! In addition to crawling around, Marina has added a third dimension to her exploratory excursions. She is now trying to climb anything and everything.

October 24, 2008

Who's bigger now?

Marina has continued to plump up -- must be the super baby food we're feeding her. We had Emilia, Eduard and Martina over for dinner for the first time. Marina went to bed and Martina (who has a later bed-time) stayed up to have dinner with us.

October 17, 2008

El Txacolin

We tried to squeeze in a pintxos outing using the time change as an excuse. It was fun to see the gang, but we had to cut it short -- Marina refused to acknowledge the fact that we would have an extra hour of sleep. Perhaps going out the night after "springing forward" would work better than going out the night before "falling back." We'll try to remember in the spring...

October 12, 2008


Yet another Marina fix. She is undergoing a growth spurt, so some new clothes are in order. It's getting chillier now, making the furry pink jacket her new fav!

October 11, 2008

Colmado Quilez

Our favorite local spanish deli, Colmado Quilez, has a fantastic glass-front display. This week it was featuring Moritz (a local beer that we particularly like) but the effect was something like a Spanish version of Warhol's Campbell Soup cans.

October 04, 2008

Marina and Martina

Marina and Martina are beginning to interact a bit more. Aren't they adorable?