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Gina and I got off work a little early to go join the throngs of celebrants on Rambla de Catalunya shopping for books and roses. It was all a bit overwhelming, especially for Marina. We put her in the BabyBjorn for what is most likely the very last time - she's just too heavy and her feet hang down and bump my legs as I walk.
We took advantage of the Easter holidays to spend a week in Lucca, visiting Gina's cousins (Isa, Claudio, Robin and Gretel; Vincenzo and Graziela; Pauletta; Francesco; Bettina and Francesco and Francesco's mom and dad) and the usual series of Italian meals and cappuccino breaks. Lucca is quite toddler friendly -- ideal in fact for taking strolls along the ramparts and playing on the playgrounds. Marina had a blast playing with her third cousins, Robin and Gretel. If only we had had more time...
A family with a girl carrying a balloon was passing us on the sidewalk and Marina stopped and turned wide-eyed. The little girl turned around, walked back toward us and asked us if Marina might like to have the balloon. She gave Marina the balloon and on they went. Marina was amazed at the gravity-defying object she was now holding onto.